A new studio going by the name of New Tales has just been formed, notably comprised of former Activision Blizzard developers. The Paris-based company doubles as a publishing label and internal development studio.

New Tales has two primary directives — creating original intellectual properties through its internal teams in addition to offering publishing services on a global scale. According to a press release, CEO Cedric Marechal claimed that New Tales’ formation came about as a desire to help fuel industry growth. Marechal stated, “the frequency of new releases keeps rising rapidly, reinforcing the need for great international publishing.”

This collaborative effort may be possible due to the amount of experience on the team. New Tales is led by four former Activision Blizzard developers, but there is other talent on board as well. Its team members have also worked at various studios including Sega, Ubisoft, and LucasArts.

Marechal refers to New Tales as a “one-stop-shop publishing solution,” in which their commitment to helping other developers achieve success is as important as working on their internal projects. While publishing deals have yet to be announced, New Tales confirmed it is actively developing its first game.

This isn’t the first time Activision Blizzard has been in the headlines this week. Microsoft’s recently announced acquisition of the company has been mired in controversy. Aside from the typical platform war criticisms, people have been wondering about what the buyout could mean for Activision Blizzard’s toxic work culture.