It’s May 4, and if you’re a Star Wars fan it’s the perfect day to celebrate the well-used phrase from the movies, “May the force be with you!” Not only are Star Wars brands jumping on the famous phrase, but the developers in Ubisoft’s For Honor wanted to celebrate with a galaxy far, far away by adding in lightsaber effects to the game’s weapons.

The effects went over the top of the game’s existing weapons. There were bright red, blue, and green effects, giving them the lightsaber appearance without having to add too much detail of an actual lightsaber.

These color effects come with other cool features, and they do not last forever. A player’s weapon only lights up when they lock-on to another opponent. After that, when the players clash, there are additional sound effects and sparks bouncing off of the blades that give them the lightsaber-like effect, further enriching players in an immersive Star Wars lightsaber battle simulator.

However, when a player attacks or kills an opponent, there’s still a large pool of blood.

Any player with the game can jump in right now and join in the fun. Although, Ubisoft has not shared how long they plan to allow this effect to remain in the game. It could be for the entire weekend, or could only be for today, celebrating May 4.

Regardless, For Honor’s Reddit page has come alive with amazing tributes to the new patch. Players have added musical themes, memes, their favorite Star Wars quotes, replacing some of the iconic images with those from their For Honor game.

Many of the fans hope the feature remains in the game, but this is unlikely.

Image Credit: Reddit User u/jordauser