The Steam Next Fest demo wasn’t enough for developer DRAGO entertainment. The creative minds behind Gas Station Simulator are giving the public a different look at their new game, Food Truck Simulator. Fans of the experience can expect the revamped demo to arrive on Steam this Wednesday, July 27. The soon-to-be-previous demo is still available to play as well.

Cook the Food and Keep the Customers Happy in Food Truck Simulator

As the title suggests, players are placed into the management-on-wheels world with the responsibility of a food truck. What was once your father’s is now yours, but times are a-changing, and so does the truck itself. Travel across the city while feeding the people your exquisite meals. Study the recipes to create the most mouth-watering results while maintaining your resources and timing; not every customer will be as patient as one would hope.

Food Truck Simulator is essentially a resource management simulator set mainly in a truck. You’ll continuously upgrade your supplies and your ride the more you grow throughout the city. If you’ve tested out the Steam demo for Food Truck Simulator, you’ll notice multiple improvements. There are quite a few, so we’ve listed them here for your viewing ease:

  • A new mini-map that replaces the compass.
  • The city has been polished.
  • The cleaning mechanic receives an update.
  • The truck’s motor movements have been fine-tuned.
  • New customization options.
  • Clara receives a new voice actress.

Other features have been locked for future release purposes, such as new locations and gameplay features. DRAGO Entertainment plans to release the complete list on July 27, when the demo for Food Truck Simulator goes live. Additionally, more content can be explored during the game’s playtest session this August 10, 2022. Finally, the full release will drop onto Steam on September 14, 2022.