PUBG for PC just received a massive new update which brings a ton of new features, improvements and bug fixes for the game. Along with the new training mode, weapon, attachment and vehicle, the update includes some major changes to the Survival Supply System and a restructured BP system. Changes to the supply and BP system are part of the developer’s Fix PUBG campaign which aims to address all the major issues with the game.

According to the dev letter, the new survival supply system will work a lot like the Event Pass feature, with the exception that there won’t be a max level and no optional premium pass to purchase. With the new system in place, players will be able to gain survival levels by filling the survival gauge, which in turn will earn them temporary or permanent items.

The dev letter further adds that:

Restructured BP System

The team has also changed the way BP is awarded to players in game with update 21. Up until now, BP was awarded to players based on a couple of factors, including Rank reward, Kill reward and Damage reward. This meant that the amount of BP rewarded could differ quite a lot from game to game.

With the latest update, PUBG has now fixed two more major issues with the game. But that’s not all, the developers have been hard at work addressing a variety of other minor issues that have been troubling players. Check out the Fix PUBG website in order to stay up to date with all the issues that the developers have already fixed and all the fixes that are currently inbound.