Even though Star Wars: Rogue One just came out, fans are wondering what Star Wars: Episode 8 will be like. The first trailer might not come until a few month’s time.

The BBC’s Lizo Mzimbia posted a short interview with Kathleen Kennedy who is the president of Lucasfilm. She was asked about the progress of both Star Wars: Episode 8 as well as the Han Solo standalone film.

He asked Kennedy when we will see the first trailer for Star Wars: Episode 8 or any other footage for that matter. She said: “Pretty soon. We’re giving this (Rogue One) a little bit of breathing room and then probably heading into Spring you’ll start to see things“.

The next Star Wars Celebration event in happens on April 13th to April 16th in Orlando. This might be when they will debut the first trailer for Star Wars: Episode 8. After all, filming has finished so they should have enough footage to show off to the fans that are going to the event.

As for the Han Solo movie, that won’t be out yet. That movie doesn’t start filming until February 2017. It will follow the events of a younger Han Solo as well as Lando Carlrissian.

In related Episode 8 news, the daughter of Carrie Fisher (Billie Lourd) revealed in a new interview that she is returning. She had a minor role in The Force Awakens and not many people noticed her. She said that in the new movie, she has more than one line this time around. The actress better pray that her scene doesn’t get cut as unfortunately things like this happen in the movie industry. Scenes eventually get cut as the director may need to trim down the runtime and more.

Anyway, it’s an exciting time to be a Star Wars fan with all the new movies coming out. Not to mention the recent movies have been good by most people’s standards.

  • This article was updated on March 8th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / First Trailer Of Star Wars: Episode 8 Unlikely To Show Until Spring 2017

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