The first trailer for the upcoming Netflix documentary Pamela, A Love Story, has officially been released, giving fans their first look at the Pamela Anderson biopic amidst a storm of controversy amidst the debut of Pam and Tommy. This Hulu series follows Pamela Anderson’s real-life romance with Mötley Crüe’s Tommy Lee and the resulting sex tape scandal that took over the 1990s.
Set to a slowed-down, melancholic version of the Cardigan’s 1996 hit Lovefool, the new two-minute trailer for the Netflix documentary features Anderson, now 55, discussing how she’s been affected by the sex tape, which was stolen in 1995 and distributed across the internet, being brought back into the spotlight by the recent Hulu series, where Lily James portrays a young Pamela Anderson (Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again) alongside Sebastian Stan (Falcon & the Winter Soldier) as Tommy Lee.
“I blocked that stolen tape out of my life in order to survive, and now that it’s all coming up again, I feel sick,” Anderson admits in the trailer. She goes on to describe herself as “not a damsel in distress” and describes how she had to pick up her career in the aftermath of the scandal. “I want to take control of the narrative for the first time,” she says.
‘Pamela: A Love Story’ Director Discusses Netflix Film
According to Deadline, Netflix describes Pamela, A Love Story as “an intimate and humanizing portrait of one of the world’s most famous blonde bombshells.” The documentary will reportedly follow Pamela’s rise from a small-town girl to “international sex symbol, actress, activist and doting mother.” The full trailer is available below.
The director of the upcoming documentary, Ryan White, spoke with PEOPLE Magazine about Pamela Anderson’s involvement in the documentary, giving the following statement:
Catch Pamela, A Love Story on Netflix starting January 31st.