Most of the main characters in Fire Emblem: Three Houses start as students in the Garegg Mach Monastery, home of the Church of Seiros. The playable avatar is a professor for the Officer’s Academy at the Monastery. Twenty-four of the playable characters in the game are students of the Officer’s Academy and are split up between the three houses of Fódlan.

You begin the game by choosing a house; each house starts with only eight students, but you can recruit students from the other houses to join your class. Eventually, you can even recruit several of the faculty members of the Monastery to aid you. Most of the faculty members don’t become recruitable until later in the game, as they are generally more powerful recruits.

Which Faculty Members Of The Monastery Can Be Recruited?

In total, players can recruit nine members of the Monastery faculty to join their class. If we include the player avatar, that technically makes ten faculty members joining the party.

The nine you can recruit to help you with your class are the following:

  • Manuela
  • Hanneman
  • Catherine
  • Alois
  • Seteth
  • Flayn (She becomes one of your students)
  • Gilbert
  • Shamir
  • Cyril

Note that these characters only become available to recruit at a certain point, some of them sooner than others. In my playthrough, I recruited Shamir much earlier than the other faculty members, possibly due to me leveling my support with her faster. I couldn’t recruit Manuela and Hanneman until month 11.

It is also possible to completely miss out recruiting these faculty members. Whereas some characters like Flayn, who eventually do join your house at some point in the story, you need to talk and recruit the rest of the faculty members actively. On Sunday’s, you can walk around the Monastery in the explore option. Meet with any of the above faculty members, and talk to them. Eventually, you’ll get a recruit option, and you can have them join your class.

Not only that, certain significant characters that are a part of the Monastery never join your party. Rhea, Jeralt, and Tomas are significant figures in the Monastery, but never officially join your team.