Fire Emblem: Three Houses has lots of class options for your characters. One of them is hidden away, and you need to unlock it. The Dancer class can’t be unlocked the usual way, through progression, you need to take part in a specific event to be able to unlock it.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses – How To Unlock The Dancer Class

During Chapter 9, there is a dance event that you can take part in. It is through this event that you unlock the Dancer class. There are a couple of things you should keep in mind when entering this event. Firstly, the character you enter is the one who will be able to become a Dancer. Secondly, whether you win or not will depend on the characters Charm rating. So, it might be best to go with the character who has the best Charm rating, but if you are already happy with that character’s class, find someone you want to change who also has a strong Charm rating. The final consideration to think about is that the Dancer class has a powerful Sword ability, so keep that in mind as well. Dancers can inspire allies, allowing them to take a free action during combat, and may also wield magic.

Once you pick the character you want to enter the dance event, you can practice dancing with them. This will give them a +5 boost to their Charm rating. You can also use other means to increase Charm, like Tea Parties and Battalions. You should even speak to Manuela before the event, as she will give you a rough idea of the Charm rating you will need to win.

When you win the event, you will be able to respec that character into a Dancer through the usual Reclass mechanic.