Damage dealt to knocked down enemies has always been a finicky topic in Apex Legends. Between the removal of kills for killing players knocked by eliminated teams, and the fact that the damage does not and has never counted toward your Evo Shield evolutions, it is clear that the game thinks lower of damage to downed enemies than the upright ones. That said, there is reason to get that damage too. The damage dealt to downed enemies does count toward match damage, and now it also applies to challenges, no matter how it is dealt.

It used to be that you could get damage toward damage-based challenges if you attacked a downed player traditionally: with weapons, ordinances, or even your fist. However, if you used a finisher, that damage did not carry over to the challenges—until now.

Finishers are useful to get your shields back for free, and now they are another way to rack up damage for your damage challenges, whether in the challenges tab or for an event badge. Either way, finisher damage is now just as good as a good ‘ol shoot ‘em up. A finisher on an undamaged downed player is worth 100 damage toward both the match and any general damage challenges.

For more Apex Legends content, check out All Arenas Shop price changes for Apex Legends Season 13: Saviors on Pro Game Guides.