In Until Dawn, there were totems that players could find throughout the game, providing a glimpse into the future of certain characters. The game’s developers, Supermassive Games, have brought that feature into Man of Medan in the form of portraits. There are a total of 13 frames, each with a premonition indicating the fate characters is heading for.

High and Dry

Location – Duke of Milan

Character – Alex

Frame – White

Found in the initial area when first playing as Alex. It’s hanging on the wall next to the stairs leading to the deck of the ship.

Cut and Run

Character Fliss

Frame – Black

First time playing as Fliss, when the others are diving head below deck and head into the small room opposite Brand and Conrad’s room.

Devil and the Deep

Location – Sunken Plane

Character – Julia

When playing as Julia scuba diving, check to your left before heading through the opening

In the offing

Location – freighter

Character – Conrad or Alex

Once you have escaped the locked room on the freighter, you will come across the crew’s sleeping quarters. It’s near the lockers at the far end.

Cut of your jib

Location – Kitchen

Check the far wall in the Kitchen when playing as Alex in the Caskets chapter

Close Quarters

Location – Workshop

Character – Fliss

Found during the Danny chapter in the workshop, don’t check this frame until Danny has runoff and a cut scene ensues.

Copper Bottomed

Location – Quartermasters office

Character – Brad

You can miss this one. Brad must have remained hidden earlier in the game aboard the Duke of Milan. In the finding friend’s chapter, get to the Quartermaster’s office, push the box out of the way, go through the small opening, and check the room to your right.


Location – Ballroom

When Fliss is hallucinating in the ballroom look in the small room where the lever is.

Plain Sailing

Location – Officer’s Quarters

Character – Conrad

You could attain this one if Conrad did not escape from the Duke of Milan earlier in the game. During the Glamor Girls chapter, Conrad will encounter a spooky lady, following this search the rooms to the side, one of them will have a premonition inside.

Ship Shape

Character – Fliss or Brad

You can only get this through the curators cut or shared story. In Glamor Girls check the officer’s quarters mess hall, the premonition is on the wall.

Loose Cannon

Location – comms room

Character – any

Once in the communications room, check the far wall, there you will find the premonition.

Know the ropes

Location – Lower decks/ Generator

Character – Any

During the Depths chapter, upon reaching the generator head to your right first and you’ll find the premonition on the far wall.

A little Hope

Location – Lower decks

Character – Conrad or Brad

Frame – Gold

Can only be obtained if Alex and Julia went below first during the distress signal. Choose dialogue options that have Alex head below and not Brad. Once gunshots ring out later a character will go to investigate instigating another finale, follow the corridor and you will find the premonition in the sleeping quarters.