Final Fantasy XV is finally coming to PC in only a matter of weeks, and fans can purchase it on different digital outlets including Steam, Windows Store or Origin. However, the official description of certain features in one of the platforms might make that version more attractive than the others. We are talking about the information on the page of the game on the Windows Store, which specifies that the game features support for Xbox Live cross-platform co-op, as well as achievements, cloud saves and more.

This means that users of the Windows and Xbox One versions will be able to play online together to the Comrades multiplayer expansion, included on the PC port and on the season pass of the console version. Logically, these features depend on Microsoft’s ecosystem, which is why they are not included on the Steam and Origin versions.

The Windows Edition of Final Fantasy XV features highly upgraded graphic performance that you can test on your own PC with the new Benchmark tool that Square Enix has released for free. As for additional content, the game comes with the three ‘Episodes’ expansions starring Gladiolus, Prompto, and Ignis, and other gameplay add-ons which will also come to consoles as part of the Royal Edition and as a separate DLC.

Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition launches on March 6.

  • This article was updated on March 8th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition Will Feature Cross-Play with Xbox One

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