In an interview with the Italian website Multiplayer, game director Tetsuya Nomura acknowledged Square Enix has perhaps announced Final Fantasy VII Remake way too early and explained the reasoning behind it.

According to Nomura, the decision to announce the remake was in the, err, making was due to the fact that rumors and leaks are always around when it comes to such big projects in the games industry, and Square Enix wanted to avoid that.

“It’s great when we manage to keep it secret for as long as possible, but these days, a lot of important projects become victims of rumors and leaks. Honestly, I prefer that we officially reveal our games instead of seeing a leak or a rumor circulating online,” Nomura told the site.

“Especially when part of the development is outsourced to other companies, there is always the risk that people outside the in-house team will spread information and images online. It is even worse when, during the development, a fake rumor sprouts that people start to believe, and it becomes necessary to decide whether to answer and deny.”

“The same thing happened with the remake of Final Fantasy 7. I am well aware of the fact that we announced it too early, but even in the industry, word was beginning to spread that we were working on the game, so we just decided not to keep it more secret and officially reveal it.”

Final Fantasy VII Remake has been revealed back at E3 2015 and since then has never been showcased again nor has received a release window. Sure enough, after Kingdom Hearts III drops in early 2019, we’ll start to learn more.

Source: Multiplayer Italy