When Does Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Release?

While short, the brief trailer gives fans plenty to stew over until the next big news drop happens. Yet, keen fans will take notice of a few new details in the trailer. The new title hints toward a greater interpretation of the classic Final Fantasy VII storyline. While the gameplay scenes showcase Cloud and Sephiroth maneuvering ruins, not much is left to be seen. Yet, the visuals are certainly taking an upgrade from Square Enix’s FFVII Remake. Benefiting as a next-generation title, Unreal Engine 5 aids the visuals very well. Yet, skipping PlayStation 4 consoles, the extra time waiting for the title should help ease eager fans who have yet to secure a PS5. Except, with console shortages and supply scarcity only becoming more prevalent, the PS5 may just be out of stock for more time to come. Yet, the game doesn’t plan to debut any time before Winter 2023, which is plenty of time for eager fans to upgrade their consoles. Be sure to check back for more news on what Square Enix has to reveal in their upcoming Final Fantasy releases.