Do you want to know how to take better power shots in FIFA 23? Power shots in FIFA 23 are a bit different than regular shots, and if you want to score more goals, you need to learn how to use them properly. FIFA 23 has introduced a new shooting mechanic that allows you to put more power behind your shots, but it takes a bit of practice to get used to. This guide will show you how to effectively use power shots in FIFA 23.

What Is a Power Shot in FIFA 23?

FIFA 23 has only been out for a few weeks, and already the community is shaken. Why? Because EA Sports has once again shown us that they’re not afraid to mix things up. This year, they’ve introduced a new shooting mechanic called a power shot. Power shots not only have more power behind them, but they also can dip and curve more than regular shots. This makes power shots extremely effective when used correctly. As always, FIFA players are divided on whether this new mechanic is a game-changer or a cheap gimmick. Only time will tell. But one thing is for sure: EA Sports isn’t afraid to take risks, and that’s what we love about them.

FIFA 23: How to Shoot a Power Shot

How to Use Power Shots More effectively?

Power shots are more effective when you perform with great accuracy and correct timing. Here are a few tips :

  • For a Power shot, the most crucial factor is timing. It would be best if you hit the ball right before it goes where you want. Because when playing Power shots, the player might take extra time to release the ball. Which gives time for opposition players to prepare. So,  practice your timing and release the ball at the perfect time.
  • Also, accuracy is the key. We recommend you do Power Shots when the player is directly in front of the goal. Because it is harder for the goalkeeper to save a shot right in front of him, your shot will likely go wide if you’re too far from the goal.
  • Power Shots can be performed more effectively outside the box. Because too many bodies are in the box, it becomes hard to get a clean shot away. But, Remember you need to have good accuracy for this.
  • Use players with high shooting stats to do the Power Shots. For a reason, players like Messi, Neymar, Mbappe, etc., have high shooting stats. They’re some of the best shooters in the game. If you want to score more goals with power shots, use players with high-shooting stats.

So, there you have it. Our guide to taking power shots in FIFA 23. You’ll score goals like a pro with a bit of practice. Make sure you use the right timing and aim for the corners to get the most out of your power shots.

FIFA 23 is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch.