Fake out defenders with the Fake pass move.

The Fake Pass in FIFA 19 is another easy move that is used to get defenders out of position. There are a number of different situations that the Fake Pass can be used for, but it requires that multiple buttons be pressed in sequence to be executed. After the correct input, your player animation will make it look like they are getting ready to pass when in reality they are going to continue dribbling.

To do the Fake Pass in FIFA 19 you’re going to do it similarly to the Fake Shot. This time you’ll be using the X Button and the A button very quickly one after the other. Pressing these buttons in quick succession will pull off the fake pass.

You’ll know automatically whether you’ve done the fake pass or not immediately after the button presses. Your player will wind up and look like they are making a pass, before stopping just short of striking the ball. The most important thing to note is that the fake pass buttons must be pressed quickly to get this to work.

How to do Fake Pass in FIFA 19

Xbox: X Button, then A Button (quickly) PlayStation: Square Button, then X Button (quickly)

The Fake Pass is another good tool to use against human opponents. We’ve found that humans playing man on man defense are far easy to fool with the Fake Pass or Fake Shot than the computer is, but it’s still a good trick to have up your sleeve. Be warned, if you don’t press the correct buttons or don’t press them quickly enough, you could see an misguided pass or shot which could lead to a turnover of the ball.

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Attack of the Fanboy / Games / FIFA 19 How to Fake Pass

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