With a rocky launch, a huge controversy regarding its collector’s edition, and several bugs, Fallout 76 is still standing. With small and big updates, players are still finding reasons to come back to this game and explore what this version of Appalachia has to offer. Part of exploring is gathering resources to turn them into other things. Some focus on their C.A.M.Ps while some others just want to upgrade their weapons and armor. One of the materials that people need the most when trying to survive in this game is Fiberglass. This material is the one that you’ll need for many things in the game, from making light armor to upgrading energy weapons. Today we tell you the most common Fiberglass locations for farming it in our Fallout 76 guide.

Fiberglass Locations and Farming Guide for Fallout 76

Most materials in the game do not appear as such. Usually, as with many other Fallout games, you need to salvage items to get the material. Fiberglass comes from the following objects:

  • Abraxo Cleaner Industrial Grade
  • Aluminum Canister
  • Blood Sac
  • Cigar Box
  • Composite Ski
  • Fiberglass Spool
  • Industrial Cleaner
  • Jangles the Moon Monkey
  • Rat Poison
  • Telephone
  • Undamaged Abraxo Cleaner

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There are two locations for farming fiberglass in Fallout 76, here are the ones that we recommend:

The Whitespring Golf Club

While this place seems like the most normal one on the map, it isn’t. It is a dangerous place full of Ghouls and other creatures that are bound to make your journey difficult. However, it is worth visiting this area. Inside the building, you’ll be able to find a lot of telephones which you can salvage to get fiberglass.

Pleasant Valley Ski Resort

The next place you’ll want to visit is the Pleasant Valley Ski Resort, pretty close to the Top of the World station. Here you’ll be able to get many composite skis, which you can also salvage to get a good amount of fiberglass.

Visiting these two places is ideal if you want to gather a lot of this material. It is quite useful, and sometimes you might empty your inventory of it without even realizing, so make sure that you do your farming route every day. And that’s all we have on our Fiberglass Locations and Farming Guide for Fallout 76. Remember to always pick up any objects you find and salvage them to get some useful materials. Fallout 76 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.