Far Cry 6 is now available, letting players experience either a male or female Dani Rojas’s quest to liberate the people of Yara from a ruthless dictator. Along your adventures, you’ll work with many members of the Libertad (including several amigos) who seek to help you on your quest. One of the characters that was shown in plenty of promotional material though was Chorizo, an adorable two-legged puppy who can make for a great distraction. If you’re confused on how to get him though, no need to worry. In this guide, I explain exactly how to get Chorizo in Far Cry 6!

How to Get Chorizo in Far Cry 6

First of all, you’ll want to proceed through the story until you reach the region of Madrugada. If you chose another region as your first location after finishing the game’s initial island, you’ll have to either wait until your current region is complete or switch to Madrugada and get things started there. Once there, get acquainted with the Montero family through a series of missions. These will progress the story, and more importantly, have you meet Chorizo!

After completing a fair amount of main missions, you can speak to Chorizo to start his questline. He wants you to feed him before you both can become the best of pals. Simply complete the tasks it asks of you, then feed him food. Then, he’ll send you on an adventure where he provides you with many gifts (did I mention he continues to be adorable?) before finally wanting to be your new friend. From there, you’ll be able to choose Chorizo as an Amigo in the Amigos menu! Now get out there and watch him be your opponent’s best friend until you slice said opponent’s throat.

How to Unlock the Madrugadian Horse