The series will follow the events of the Fallout universe where people have locked themselves away in bunkers due to the threat of nuclear war. Years after the bombs dropped, the vaults open to a world drastically changed by the fallout of war. While many of the vault dwellers emerge without issue, many vaults were designed as experiments and those inside were either killed, mutated, or changed in some way.

Those who make it out to the surface must survive in the harsh world full of mutated creatures, infected humans, and radiation. Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan, Kilter Films issued a brief statement about the series.

There are six core games in the franchise with two spin-off games. One of which is a pinball machine and the other is Fallout Shelter. The most recent release is Fallout 76 which launched with its fair share of issues.

— Bethesda (@bethesda) July 2, 2020

Todd Howard, the Executive Producer at Bethesda Game Studios, the developer of several Fallout games, is helping ensure the series stays on target.

Here’s hoping that war does indeed not change and the show stays true to the world of Fallout.