Fallout 76 is going to be the first Fallout game in the series and as such still feature an aura of mystery for what matters its core systems and the way it works both in a relationship with your contact with other players and in terms of story.

During a recent interview, Bethesda’s Pete Hines took the occasion to talk about the factions, which are not going to be included as part of the mechanics the developers do before the game launches.

“I’ve already seen some of this chatter amongst fans about, you don’t need us to create the factions, you create the factions. If you want to have the Minutemen, then be a Minuteman, and recruit other people to be Minutemen who go around helping folk and finding settlements that need help and going to do that,” he told GameReactor.

“If you want to be a trader, if you want to travel around the map, or you want to build an outpost where people come and buy and sell stuff, you should do that; you don’t need us to craft those systems, the game will just allow you to do that. You go be who you want in this world.”

About what Bethesda Game Studios is doing in terms of approach to multiplayer, the first time it goes along this path, he commented that the players will be very free to act and work in a set of rules and boundaries which are not going to be very strict:

“Again, it’s up to us, and I think we’re coming to a good spot where we can create enough rules and boundaries to allow people to have fun without all of the negatives, and I think when folks actually get their hands on it and see what it’s like, they’re gonna find ‘I’m doing lots of quests, I’m leveling my character up, there are lots of different interesting places to explore, there are all these crazy creatures,’ and there are these moments where you see other players where you get a little bit of drama.

Am I going to help them? Are they going to help me? Are they hostile or are they not hostile? But that’s up to those players, not us, to say […] the player never really knows how any interaction with a human is going to play out.”

Fallout 76 is releasing on November 14, 2018, for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
