With Fallout 76 recently releasing on consoles and PC, a slew of bugs has been discovered. This is nothing unexpected from Bethesda, but fixes are coming way sooner than you’d expect. General performance patches and others are heading our way November 19th, and the exact changes have been released to the public. These include but are not limited to,

This is extremely good for anyone who has been playing Fallout 76 since release, as anyone can tell you stash size becomes a huge issue later on in the game. Most players will also tell you they’re beyond ready for the Push to Talk function on PC, as hearing everyone around you can break immersion for many people. The FOV slider is a quality of life option that most players will really appreciate having.

  • November 19 Fallout 76 Patch – The next update will focus primarily on game performance and stability on all platforms but will also come with a list of fixes to quests, UI, C.A.M.P.s, and more. Patch notes will be available early next week. This update will be large compared to what we expect for patches going forward. Regular updates will always vary in size, but future updates should be much smaller in comparison.
  • Stash Limit Increase – We hear you loud and clear. We will be increasing the stash limit in the coming weeks. The current limit is there for technical reasons, to cap the number of items the game is tracking in the world, including every container and stash. We believe we have some ideas in both the short- and long-term that will address the size without risking stability, but this is one we need to take our time on to make sure it is done right.
  • Push to Talk for PC – After listening to all of your concerns, we have made progress on getting this into the game and it will also be included in an update in the next few weeks.
  • Ultrawide Support – 21:9 support will be coming soon. We have seen it in testing and it looks awesome.
  • FOV Slider for PC – We know this is popular request for our PC players— look for an FOV slider soon.

There are only two more days until the Fallout 76 patch, so until then hold on to your stashes vault dwellers, it’ll be safe soon!