Super mutants are one of the best creatures in Fallout 76 to farm for either XP or legendary items. That said, the following locations would be the best places to start your farming run for super mutants.

  • HuntersvilleWest Tek Research CenterGraftonNew GadCharlestonThe General’s SteakhouseNational Isolated Radio ArrayEastern Regional Penitentiary (courtyard)Crevasse Dam

The locations above are a perfect blueprint farming run for both XP and legendary items and should help you gather a ton of extra items that can be later sold for some decent caps or scraped. 

You can also complete various challenges that require the killing of Super Mutants in the game, which can occur either in the form of daily or weekly challenges. That being said, to start your farming run, we highly recommend hitting the locations in the following order.

  • HuntersvilleWest Tek Research CenterNational Isolated Radio ArrayCrevasse DamThe General’s SteakhouseGrafton

Hitting the locations in the order above is highly recommend for new players, and so if you are low level and trying to farm mutants, you will have to go with locations such as Charleston and New Gad. You can also try a few events called Manhunt and Jailbreak that can offer both XP for lower and high-level players.

Check out some of our other Fallout 76 guides!