The Grinch came in the form of hackers to the vault dwellers of Fallout 76 early this week. Some hackers discovered a bug in the PC version of the game that allowed them to take the entire inventory of other players. Over 500 people logged into Fallout 76 to find that they were back to square one.

One hacker even uploaded a video of the inventory-stealing bug onto YouTube and advertised an in-game giveaway for some of their stolen goods. While over 500 people have suffered from the hack on camera, it is still uncertain as to how many people altogether have suffered from this exploit.

Bethesda responded to the inventory-stealing hacks in a Reddit post:

For fans of Fallout 76, this is only one incident in a series of game-ruining events recently. After the uproar surrounding a paid subscription service and delay of the first expansion, Wastelanders, players, also discovered a bug that allowed NPCs and assets to spawn within the world.

We are investigating reports of a PC-only exploit that could be abused by cheaters, which may have resulted in a few players losing items that their characters had equipped. We have been actively working toward a solution for this and have a fix that we are currently evaluating for release today.

While we’ve determined that only a small number of characters have been negatively affected, we are taking this very seriously and resolving this is currently our top priority.

We would like to apologize to those of you who were impacted by this exploit. We want to make this right, and we are currently looking into ways we may be able to compensate you. If you believe you have been affected, please let us know by submitting a ticket to our Customer Support team.