While the game is clearly a running joke among the gaming community these days, Fallout 76 is still going strong. According to SteamCharts, there are still around 7000 concurrent players at any given time, so people do clearly enjoy the game. Whether they get treated fairly is another story entirely, but at least they’re still getting consistent content. Speaking of which, the latest major update to the game graces players’ hands very soon. Fallout 76’s Steel Dawn update releases December 1 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. You can check out the latest trailer for the update below.

Fallout 76’s Steel Dawn update focuses on the Fallout universe’s Brotherhood of Steel faction. For those unaware, the Brotherhood of Steel is a militaristic faction who are working to colonize much of the American wasteland. They first appeared in the original Fallout, now spanning across every title in the series. Now, the faction is making its stop in Appalachia. Steel Dawn focuses entirely around this faction while expanding upon the arrival of the new NPCs from the Wastelanders update. Along with that, there will be new locations, C.A.M.P. shelters, new gear, and more! Fallout 76’s newest update looks to bring the big guns as far as content and lore go.

Steel Dawn is the first chapter in Fallout 76’s Brotherhood of Steel questline. In this chapter, Paladin Leila Rahman has brought her troops to establish order and society across Appalachia. As such, many of these new locations are controlled by the faction. What they’ll bring to the table though is another mystery entirely, one we’ll have to solve when the update drops next month.

Fallout 76 is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.