Fallout 76 has had a difficult start with the original release. Not letting that stop the producers, updates began streaming out left and right. All of these redesign the game’s various systems, making them much more up to date. With the most recent update comes the new content Steel Dawn. Everything you need to know about this update will be below.

What is Fallout 76?

Fallout 76 is a fully online game in which you venture with friends to survive in an apocalyptic world. This game is filled with horrors as you trek through the Appalachian Wilderness. Accompany four friends as you face the lands and take on dangerous foes. Playing solos is also an option if you rather be a Lone Ranger. Keep an eye out and start working hard on those Armor Ace slots on the S.C.O.R.E. board. The season will end soon as the next season begins on December 15, which will bring 100 new ranks to earn.

Brotherhood of Steel: Steel Dawn

The Brotherhood of Steel has officially come to the Appalachian Mountains in Steel Dawn. This chapter will be the first in many to come for the Brotherhood of Steel questline. This update brings forth brand new locations for players to discover. Not only locations but brand-new interactive NPC’s. For the completionists out there, Steel Dawn also comes with C.A.M.P. shelters, new weapons, and armor to earn in the game. The Brotherhood of Steel is ready for you in this new update for Fallout 76.