Ever since its initial announcement during E3 2019, Fallout 76 fans were wondering when they would be able to try out its new Wastelanders update. Well, it looks like the wait won’t be too much longer.

A new update on the game’s official page confirms that a closed beta test will kick off this week. On Jan. 17, a “small number” of players will be able to join in to try it out, looking for bugs to squash and reporting any issues to Bethesda.

Those that are interested in signing up can do so here. However, there are a few things you’ll need to keep in mind.

  • First off, this particular Wastelanders test is for PC only. Sorry, console owners.
  • Secondly, you’ll need to sign a non-disclosure agreement, or NDA, to take part. That means no talking about it outside of the permitted groups; and no sharing footage online.
  • The Private Test Server will only be open to pre-approved Wastelanders only. “It is separate from our upcoming Public Test Server, which is still under development,” the company notes.
  • You can save your progress for when the Public Test Server gets Wastelanders. That said, Bethesda does reserve the right to “wipe” all PTS progress. Whatever the case, it will not transfer over to the full update once it goes live.
  • Bethesda encourages talking about the game in group discussions, as well as with direct feedback. They’re out to take care of any crucial bugs, so they can launch the mode sooner.

If that sounds like something of interest — and you agree to these prerequisites — then sign up here and prepare to visit the Wastelands. You can check out the reveal trailer for Wastelanders below.