Fallout 76 is sure enough of a complicated start on all the platforms where it’s available, and PC is nonetheless the most troubled place where you can currently play it.

Considering the game’s based on Bethesda.net, a platform which has never been proved with such an anticipated title, it’s definitely something you’d come to expect.

Anyway, according to reports from ResetEra, the platform owner is reportedly offering refunds to those asking.

User Fernando reports he’s been able to obtain a refund even after 24 hours he spent on the game, which is rather crazy.

“All I said was I wasn’t happy with the bugs and poor performance and they approved it pretty quickly,” he commented.

While we understand the disappointment, we don’t believe it’s a good way to deal with it asking a refund with such a big playtime.

Bethesda will have a tough time if the word spreads and people start asking refunds just for the sake of it, so it’ll be better for the studio to handle it properly moving forward.