Todd Howard made a short appearance at Xbox E3 2018 Media Briefing to share first new details about the Fallout 76, the next game in Fallout video game franchise. Fasten your seat belt Fallout fans – the things Todd Howard share are enough to get you excited and there is more incoming later today at Bethesda’s E3 2018 Media Briefing.

According to the details revealed by Todd Howard, Fallout 76 is a prequel to all Fallout games released so far (YES, it is not a Spin-Off as every one of us expected).

Howard also revealed that Fallout 76 will take place in West Virginia. Also, it will be the largest Fallout game developed so far as the map size is going to be 4X times bigger than Fallout 4. Watch the new trailer of Fallout 76 that was showcased at Xbox E3 2018 Media Briefing below.