In Fallout 76, there are a plethora of treasure maps you can obtain by killing enemies and looting them. Each treasure map is named by region, for example, you’ll find the Forest Treasure Map #1, Cranberry Bog Treasure Map #3, Ash Heap Treasure Map #2, etc. These maps can often be reasonably difficult to solve and find the location for though, so let us help with all of the Fallout 76 Forest treasure map locations, courtesy of

Note that you can only find the treasure when you’ve got the map as it acts as a key. You also don’t need a shovel to find it; you just need to interact with the mound.

Fallout 76 Forest Treasure Map #1

On the road leading north to Point Pleasant, you’ll approach a rusting bridge. This treasure is underneath the bridge on the northern side of the stream.

Fallout 76 Forest Treasure Map #2

In the southern area of the Forest region, you’ll find this treasure directly south of Camp Adams and north of the Kanawha Nuka-Cola Plant. The treasure is underneath the spitfire with the meat roasting.

Fallout 76 Forest Treasure Map #3

This one is just inside the Ash Heap region, north-west of Relay Tower HG-B7-09. Search underneath the monkey bars in the playground for this treasure map.

Fallout 76 Forest Treasure Map #4

Directly north-west of Vault 76 is Anchor Farm. This treasure is next to the parked/crashed plane on the left-hand side.

Fallout 76 Forest Treasure Map #5

This treasure is found inside Charleston Trainyard, to the side of a crashed train cart with wooden pallets spilling out the side.

Fallout 76 Forest Treasure Map #6

Head to the Overseer’s Camp and go directly north to find this treasure by the water sensor.

Fallout 76 Forest Treasure Map #7

The seventh Forest treasure map is by Widow’s Perch, right on the border of Ash Heap. It’s down to the right-hand side when looking at the billboard from behind. As a bonus, you can also find a bobblehead on top of the billboard.

Fallout 76 Forest Treasure Map #8

This treasure is north of Gauley Mine, close to the secondary exit, south-west of Morgantown Trainyard. Look along the side of the creek pictured, along from the orange bridge to find it.

Fallout 76 Forest Treasure Map #9

A few steps south-east of Summerville is where you’ll find this treasure, by a broken decking at one of the houses.

Fallout 76 Forest Treasure Map #10

Directly south of Greg’s Mine Supply is this treasure, found in a slight valley.