Fallout 76 is one of those strange enigmas in gaming that I’ll likely never be able to comprehend. Back when the game was released it received nothing but incredibly negative reception due to its frankly unacceptable launch, cementing itself as the worst polished game to be put on the market. At least, until Cyberpunk 2077 saw that release and said “hold my beer”. But despite such an atrocious launch, it’s risen from the dead and is now considered a staple in the Fallout series, at least to a good handful of fans. If you’re one of those fans, then today should leave you very excited. Bethesda has officially announced its Fallout 76 2022 roadmap, which features everything from new locations to explore to aliens from outer space.

From extraterrestrial visitors to exploring outside Appalachia’s borders, a traveling roadshow, and more! #Fallout76 is filled with adventure in 2022.

Check out our 2022 Roadmap here: pic.twitter.com/gQyVxStRBX

— Fallout (@Fallout) February 21, 2022

Starting us off this Spring, invaders from another world will descend upon Appalachia and wreak havoc, taking over the game’s current Public Events and causing all sorts of havoc. This will even include a Fallout Worlds update and a new season, currently titled “A Better Life Underground” presumably because of the invading aliens. After these adventures, the Summer will bring in a set of brand-new “heart-pounding” Public Events under the Test Your Metal brand. There will also be new Fallout 1st Scoreboard Upgrades to better see comparisons alongside a brand new season once again.

Once you’ve dusted the rust off the Summer update, the Fall update will roll into action and bring an incredibly interesting change, seeing fans of the game adventure beyond Appalachia into a new lethal location known simply as The Pitt. This new adventure will feature plenty of missions for you story or linear fanatics, a heap of new rewards, and a brand new season! It almost seems to be promising to be the biggest Fallout 76 update of the 2022 roadmap, which is of course a good thing. Finishing off the year though is the Winter update, which brings the Nuka-World Tour to the world of Appalachia, offering circus acts for all to enjoy. There aren’t many details here, though it promises more Public Events, a new Region Boss, and yet another new Season.

Needless to say, it’s a good time to be a fan of Fallout 76 this year with so many updates to look forward to in 2022. Which seasonal update are you most excited for? What sort of small updates to do you wish to see? Let me know!