Fallout 76 has just had its debut week and, being an online title first and foremost, it’s interesting to see a comparison in terms of sales with previous single-player only games.

We have the UK sales (via GamesIndustry) which can provide us with a quite good idea of what the game has performed like in its launch, luckily enough.

You could not be surprised to learn that Fallout 4 has had a much better debut in the United Kingdom, selling up to 82.3% more than F76.

This result granted Fallout 76 the opportunity to reach no. 3 in the weekly chart, which has been dominated by Spyro: Reignited Trilogy.

It’s worth to note though that, because of its higher price, the latest Bethesda Game Studios’ title has been able to obtain the no. 1 position for what matters revenues (Spyro’s being sold at a budget price).

So, is this you were expecting F76 to perform in its debut? Let us know in the comments below if you’ve purchased your copy yet.