Blood Eagles are hostile Raider Faction in Fallout 76 that Vault Dwellers will encounter fairly often during their journey. As their name implies, the Blood Eagles are bloodthirsty bandits and highwaymen who want all of Appalachia for themselves. Of course, players must prevent such a takeover from happening, so they will often receive a Challenge to slay a specific number of Blood Eagle Raiders in Fallout 76. The location or mob type does not matter; as long as the enemy is part of the Raider Faction, killing them will progress the Challenge. Therefore, finding members of this vicious clan is essential for fulfilling this objective.

Finding Blood Eagles in Fallout 76

Finding Blood Eagles on the Fallout 76 map is fairly straightforward. All players must do is open their map of Appalachia and look for the Faction’s recognizable eagle-style symbol. This symbol will indicate that Blood Eagles are occupying the location and can be used as fodder to complete the players’ hunting Challenge.

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Suppose players want a more specified answer than simply looking for eagle icons on the map. In that case, users can refer to Fallout 76 content creator Atomic Quotient‘s recommendation regarding the best locations to farm Blood Eagles in Appalachia. The first location is the Rollins Labor Camp, a small campsite with about ten Blood Eagles spawns. This landmark is located northwest of the Unfinished Mansion and east of the Mount Blair Trainyard. If adventurers travel slightly south of the Rollins Labor Camp, they will find another excellent spot for farming Blood Eagles, The Sludge Works. This location can be found across the main road from the Red Rocket Filling Station. 

Atomic Quotient states that another ideal Blood Eagle farming spot would be the Twin Pine Cabins, northeast of Vault 76 in Fallout 76. However, this spot is quite far from the initial Rollins Labor Camp. Therefore, if players want to stay on the southern side of the map while searching for Blood Eagles in Fallout 76, they can visit Cliffwatch, a camp situated without a mountain pass, near Summersville, another great spot for finding the hostile Raiders. If newer players feel they are experienced to take out the Blood Eagles alone, joining a friend or friendly server member to hunt down the Raiders would be a good idea.

Fallout 76 is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Source: YouTube/Atomic Quotient