Bethesda has revealed a $100 a year, or $12.99 a month, subscription service for Fallout 76 called Fallout 1st and it’s available right now. The membership includes private worlds, a scrapbox system, a survival tent system, Atoms (currency), a Ranger armor outfit, and new emotes.

Fallout 76 was a new experiment for Bethesda, an online-only take on the Fallout universe but it had a horrible launch with most of the game being broken. Bethesda has worked hard to mitigate many issues and it now has some dedicated players. With that being said, the subscription announcement will still, without a doubt, be a controversial decision on Bethesda’s part.

Here is everything the service includes in more detail:

Private Worlds

This is something the Fallout 76 community has been asking for and Bethesda finally provides… if you want to pay even more money. A private world is exactly that. Players get the apocalypse all to themselves or they can invite up to seven friends. Only one person, in the private world, needs a membership to the service. Bethesda also promised mod support for the mode.


The scrapbox is an unlimited storage device for all the scrap you pick up while exploring West Virginia. It is used specifically for scrap so it can stop cluttering up your stash box.

Survival Tent

Tired of resetting your C.A.M.P all the time while you explore? Bethesda has a solution for you! The survival tent works as a miniature C.A.M.P and can set up fast travel locations. Your tent comes with a stash box, sleeping bag, scrapbox, cooking station, and an instrument.

Fallout 1st members also get 1,650 monthly atoms to spend at the Atomic store, new emotes, and the ranger armor from Fallout: New Vegas. Woohoo…