After a very troubled launch, Bethesda has revealed how they plan to keep Fallout 76 fresh well into 2019. The roadmap outlines a few large expansions to give players plenty to do in each season of the year. Each expansion will include new modes, quests, features and more.

The first expansion is entitled Wild Appalachia and drop on March 12th. This is rather soon, so fans who are still playing Fallout 76 should be excited to know that the wait won’t be too long. The first expansion boasts a new territory to explore, a customizable backpack to earn, and exciting new encounters. Whether or not it will be as substantial as it sounds is yet to be seen, but the way Bethesda is selling it makes it sound pretty exciting!

The second expansion launching in Summer 2019 is entitled, Nuclear Winter. This new game mode is set to fundamentally change the way players experience Fallout 76. New raids including exploring Vaults 94 and 96 will be made available to players, giving them a new challenging experience unlike any other currently available in Fallout 76. It’ll be locked off to players under level 50, but it definitely gives players something to do after all the time they’ve spent grinding in the wasteland.

Finally, in Fall, Bethesda will put our their biggest and most expansive addition to the game yet. Entitled Wastelanders, the developers are hyping this expansion up to completely revamp the game. Other than what we know will be included in each expansion, Wastelanders will hold a few extra surprises for those who have stuck around that long in Fallout 76.

Bethesda took the time to express their gratitude for those who have kept playing the game since it’s launch 100 days ago. They went on to say how their difficult launch has not swayed them in bringing the Fallout experience to Fallout 76. A full quote can be read below.