Bethesda got the party started last night with their first ever E3 conference that included Fallout 4 for a large portion. The megatons were not done being dropped though, as it was revealed that Fallout 4 for Xbox One will have the ability to use PC mods.

Bethesda’s Todd Howard took the stage to make the announcement that mods will be useable on the Xbox One version of Fallout 4. This is absolutely huge for the Fallout franchise by allowing console games to finally have the opportunity to use the numerous mods that are going to show up after release without any question.

Mods are so expansive and cool with a game like Fallout 4 that the possibilities are near endless, which makes an already bound to be amazing game like Fallout 4 even better.

While this was done in the Xbox conference, it is likely this will be the case on PlayStation 4 as well, but they just wouldn’t mention that on their stage. However, we’ll have to wait for official confirmation on that news.

Make sure to stay tuned all day and for the rest of the week to Attack of the Fanboy for the best coverage on not only this game, but plenty more. For all of the info you may have missed yesterday, make sure to check out our Day -1 Wrap Up Video as well.

  • This article was updated on July 30th, 2021

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Attack of the Fanboy / E3 / Fallout 4 On Xbox One Can Use Any Mods From PC

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