The Fallout franchise has been celebrating a significant anniversary this year, toasting 25 years since the release of Fallout on PC way back in 1997. The celebrations have seen sales, giveaways, retrospectives, and developer interviews, and as the festivities start to wind down, players of Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 can be assured of something to stick their teeth into as well.

The latest round of events — the final one before the event winds down — focuses a lot of some new content for Fallout 76, ranging from Halloween-themed events and anniversary giveaways, but there’s another small announcement squirreled away in the official post from Bethesda. Fallout 76 might be the live-service golden calf of the company these days, but prodigal child Fallout 4 is getting a fresh coat of paint to celebrate the series’ 25th anniversary as well.

Yes, those fortunate enough to own a copy of Fallout 4 on Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, or PC will be receiving a free next-gen update sometime in 2023 that will include “performance mode features for high frame rates [and] quality features for 4K resolution gameplay,” according to Bethesda. So whether you want your Commonwealth to run as smooth as butter or to be able to see the quivering whisker of a molerat in crisp 4K, this new update should have you covered.

As well as the promised graphical and performance updates, the update will also provide a host of bug fixes and bonus Creation Club content for the game. Exactly what this latter item entails has not yet been made clear, and fans will still need to wait for an actual release date for the update, which is currently billed simply as coming out “in 2023.”