Mediatonic’s Fall Guys have maintained its status as one of the more premier indie arcade titles. Released to PS Plus subscribers back in 2020, the title drew the attention of many players of all gaming genres. With its face-paced minigame-focused style, the ease of play made it simple to pick up and try. Yet, in that simple nature comes the complex navigation of the game’s various obstacles and puzzles. Mainly varying the gameplay, the battle royal style of play also gives a unique challenge. Intertwined with the player count, Fall Guys only becomes more anxiety-inducing as the player numbers dwindle. While the game has certainly changed quite a lot since its release, the title has also garnered many collaboration titles in that time. Now that Mediatonic has decided to take Fall Guys free to play, interest has once again risen a fair amount. Today, a new Fall Guys Halo collab was announced in the form of the Spartan Showdown set to feature Halo cosmetics at the end of this month.

When Is Fall Guys’ Spartan Showdown Halo Collab Launching?

The news of Fall Guys getting a brand new Halo collab is great. Featuring the classic Master Chief armor, grunt armor, and Atriox costumes, the Halo Infinite flair is very fitting. Releasing free to play on June 21st, Xbox fans have a lot to look forward to. Launching free-to-play on all platforms that day, Xbox fans will have some time to get their bearings before the halo collab launch. Spartan Showdown is set to take over Fall Guys on June 30th, with new challenges for players to unlock the exclusive cosmetics. The event ends on July 4th, so fans should be quick to complete the necessary challenges to unlock the timed rewards. Be sure to check back for more news on more Fall Guys collaborations in the future.