Facebook doesn’t allow its users to delete messages they sent to someone else from the recipient’s inbox. Users can only delete messages from their own inbox, and even then, they remain preserved in their Facebook data which can be accessed using the Download Your Information tool. However, according to a recent TechCrunch report, Facebook has deleted messages sent out by Mark Zuckerberg and a few other executives from recipient’s inboxes.

While Facebook’s reason sounds reasonable enough, what’s really irksome about the whole issue is that the company didn’t publicly disclose the removal of messages from users’ inboxes and didn’t even bother inform the recipients regarding the same. On top of that, when TechCrunch reached out to Zuckerberg regarding the matter on Messenger, he declined to provide a statement.

A number of sources, who requested to remain anonymous, have also confirmed that Zuckerberg’s messages in their inboxes have been deleted and only their side of the conversation remains. However, other users have claimed that recent messages from Zuckerberg still show up in inboxes and messages sent before 2014 also appear for some users. So the matter is far from over, despite Facebook’s insistence that everything was above board.