Southern Charm first premiered in March 2014 and documented the lives of the wealthy socialites of Charleston. The show initially starred Shep Rose, Cameran Eubanks, Jenna King, Whitney Sudler-Smith, Thomas Ravenel, and Craig Conover. Danni Baird and Kathryn Dennis featured in recurring roles but later joined the main cast. Since then, Bravo has released eight installments of the famous hit series, and most of them have left fans at the edge of their seats — thanks to the action-packed episodes. The last installment of Southern Charm recorded huge success and left fans anticipating the upcoming season 9. 

Even though several cast members have come and gone over the years, the show retained its appeal to fans. Southern Charm season 8 saw the return of some fan-favorites like Naomie Olindo, Venita Aspen, Taylor Ann Green, Leva Bonaparte, Marcie Hobbs, and Olivia Flowers. The large cast has unsurprisingly created plenty of on-screen action — making it an intriguing watch. Although producers have not officially confirmed the cast members for the upcoming season 9, viewers are already making wild guesses about this season’s lineup and some of the old faces that may not return. With filming reportedly beginning last week, devotees would be looking out for fillers from the producers and cast members to answer some of their questions.

Filming Has started for Southern Charm season 9

Fans of Southern Charm have experienced a busy start to 2023 with different announcements from the reality series showrunners. There have been big announcements, and producers of the popular reality TV series “Southern Charm” have joined the party. On January 5, Queens of Bravo took to Instagram to share a picture of the cast members of Southern Charm with a message that read:

A post shared by Queens of Bravo (@queensofbravo)

Although the producers have not revealed the official cast lineup, reports suggest they are deliberately doing this to build hype around the upcoming series on social media. However, most of the longtime stars will reprise their roles. However, some cast members are not thrilled about last season’s large cast. In October 2022, Naomie and Leva appeared on In the Know‘s We Should Talk and aired their thoughts on the show. The duo criticized the 8th season’s large cast and said they would like to see a “more cohesive” group in season 9. 

Kathryn Dennis is Reportedly not returning for season 9

Southern Charm stars Naomie and Leva may be getting their wish for a smaller cast for season 9. Earlier this week, multiple sources reported that reality TV star Kathryn Dennis is the first victim of a cast shakeup. There is no confirmed reason Kathryn got dropped from the show, but insiders hinted she might not have been offered new terms or perhaps decided to take her career in another direction.

Whatever the case, the news surprised many of her fans, who expected to see her return in the upcoming season. The report is even more strange because Kathryn took her Instagram stories last week to share an update on filming. While sharing a beautiful picture of her wearing a beautiful bright pink fur coat, she wrote in the caption: 

Though most of her fans are still trying to make sense of this news, they are confident they will see more of her this year. There has been no confirmation from Kathryn or Bravo about the latter’s exit from the show, but more news will come regarding this as filming continues.