Although Apex Legends has undergone several seasons, that does not mean the battle royale has become accustomed to its typical cosmetics offerings. In fact, players can discover a brand new cosmetic type known as Stickers. These colorful works of art come in over 20 different designs and can even be displayed on multiple items at a time. Here is how you can get your hands on every Sticker on Apex Legends.

All Stickers and their prices in Apex Legends

Unlike other cosmetics, Stickers come in the form of cartoon images that can only be equipped to healing items, such as Shield Cells and Health Injectors. However, as new as they are, their availability is fairly limited. At the time of writing, 20 Stickers can only be obtained from the Sticker Series 001 Packs in the in-game store, while two others are already unlocked in the Loadout menu.

Each Series Pack comes at the cost of 300 Apex Coins and guarantees you at least one Sticker that you do not already own. It also gifts two additional items of any type (from skins, frames, to even more stickers), though their rarity probability is not great. Both of the two other items have a 25% chance of Rare, 3.5% chance of being Epic, and a 1.5% chance of being Legendary. The Series 001 Packs will only be obtainable until November 22, so collectors will need to act fast. As for the Stickers themselves, you can find every one currently obtainable in the game below.

Series 001 Stickers

  • All Mine (Loba Sticker)Happy NessKill Joy (Pathfinder and Revenant Sticker)Kill LeaderLast Nessie StandingNessie GGOff the Grind (Crypto Sticker)The DocThis is Fine (Mirage Sticker)Toasty Takeoff (Valkyrie Sticker)Toon BloodhoundToon HorizonToon LobaToon MirageToon OctaneToon ProwlerToon RevenantToon WattsonToon WraithYou are NOT the Champion

Unlocked Stickers

  • DeathboxShattered

Once the Series 001 Packs expire, you can check back on this page to see which Stickers will debut next in the battle royale and how you can get them. Though, don’t expect the Series 002 Stickers to be the only big additions. According to Apex dataminers, Season 15 will soon host a special Wintertide Collection Event in early December that potentially brings over a dozen new, holiday-themed Legend skins.