Find out all of the new and returning weapons in Fortnite Chapter 3, Season 2!
As with every new season of Fortnite, you’ll find a variety of new skins, weapons, and so much more. However, you’ll see some revamped versions of old classics as well, like the Combat SMG, so you’ll find a new weapon that can make you as comfortable as possible.
However, how many new weapons are you able to use, and find in the world? We will detail all of them in this guide for all new weapons in Fortnite Season 3, Chapter 2, along with returning favorites!
Fortnite – Returning Weapons and New Weapons
You’ll find two brand new weapons, seven unvaulted weapons, and 10 returning weapons from Chapter 3, Season 1. With the two new weapons, you’ll be looking at:
- Combat SMG – High Recoil, High Damage
- Striker Burst Rifle – Burst Rifle with Customized Sight. Two-shot Semi-Auto
The Unvaulted Weapons that are coming back for Season 2, with some adjustments, are:
- Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle (Adjusted – semi-auto, fires faster, reduced damage, increased recoil)
- Drum Shotgun (Adjusted – fires slower, slightly increased damage, tighter spread, better falloff)
- Revolver (Adjusted – fires faster, reduced damage, higher accuracy)
- Remote Explosives (Adjusted – increased damage against vehicles)
- Thermal Scoped Revolver (Exotic Weapon)
- Storm Scout Sniper Rifle (Exotic Weapon)
- Shockwave Grenades (Exotic Weapon)
And the returns from Season 1:
- Ranger Assault Rifle
- Striker Pump Shotgun
- Auto Shotgun
- Sidearm Pistol
- Stinger SMG
- Hunter Bolt-Action Sniper
- Shadow Tracker (Exotic Weapon)
- Marksman Six Shooter (Exotic Weapon)
- The Dub (Exotic Weapon)
- Boom Sniper Rifle (Exotic Weapon)
As you can see, there isn’t a whole lot in the form of brand new weaponry, but there is a much larger selection of classic weaponry that you’ll be able to master and find a new favorite. As they continue to add new content, there may be more weaponry added to this Season. We are only in the first week, so seeing a few weapons added is pretty normal, but with constant updates, there is a chance for new weapons to slowly start getting added in.
While weapons have been added, there are also quite a few other things that have been brought to the game, such as siege cannons that can blast you across large distances, challenges to complete, Omni Chips to find for unique cosmetics, and so much more. Find out everything that Fortnite has to offer today, and explore the ever-changing world by yourself, or with friends!
Fortnite is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and mobile devices.
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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME GUIDES / Every New Weapon in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2