To say the Metal Gear franchise is a longstanding one would be an understatement. This series, directed by the renowned Hideo Kojima, saw its first entry as far back as 1987 with the release of Medal Gear on the MSX2 computer and Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).
Though the franchise has seen its hits and misses, Hideo Kojima and his team at Konami continually developed Metal Gear games until he left the studio in 2015. After Kojima’s departure, Konami has developed one Metal Gear game without its original visionary, Metal Gear Survive, which saw a relatively poor reception.
Metal Gear games in the order they were released
Metal Gear games have been released on seemingly every console in existence. While they have been primarily featured on PlayStation consoles, various entries in the franchise have been produced on Nintendo consoles, Xbox consoles, computers, and even mobile phones. Here is a list of every game in the Metal Gear Franchise in its release order.