Reaper is the resident emo-king of the Overwatch 2 world. With his pale, skull-like mask, deep gravelly voice, and slightly psychotic laughter he’s one of the characters that started with the game. Reaper has some very interesting lore, as well as relationships and rivalries with other characters in Overwatch 2. It’s only fitting then that he gets some amazing Legendary skins, and with this guide, we’ve collected every Legendary skin for Reaper in Overwatch 2.

Nevermore (purchase with Legacy Credits)

Coming straight out of a Poe novel, this skin looks like something out of a nightmare with its dark colors and haunting eyes that glow. It’s a great skin if you’re embracing the dark side.

Plague Doctor (purchase with Legacy Credits)

A recolored version of the Nevermore skin, the Plague Doctor features sickly green hues, much like you’d associate with feeling like you’re facing death in the face.

Mariachi (purchase with Legacy Credits)

Nothing is more terrifying than facing down a skull mask wielding two oversized shotguns. This skin might be very bright, but it certainly fights Reaper.

El Blanco (purchase with Legacy Credits)

Similar to the Mariachi skin, it’s brighter than its other version but no less terrifying under that big hat.

Biker (Summer Games Event/)

Reaper might not have a bike in the game, but that’s not stopping him from wearing his outfit out and about to look like one.

Lü Bu (Lunar New Year Event)

Dark, sinister, and looking akin to a set of haunted armor, this skin is a great one to have in your collection, if only for the feathers coming off his head.

Blackwatch Reyes (purchase Watchpoint Pack, Overwatch: Origins, Game of the Year, or Legendary Editions)

This skin shows what Reaper used to look like before he became the creature of pain and darkness he is now. The shotguns at least stayed the same.

Dracula (Halloween Terror Event)

Halloween is Reaper’s time to shine and while he’s not the most traditional of vampires in his mask, he’s certainly got the outfit down.

Pumpkin (Halloween Terror Event)

Nothing is scarier than a pumpkin given life and chasing you down, or dropping in from above like some vengeful vegetable wraith.

Rat King (Winter Wonderland Event)

Winter isn’t all cute outfits and fun times, there’s a definite darker side to it, which Reaper embodies perfectly in his outfit.

Soldier: 24 (Archives Event)

Once again, a call-back to the old Reaper, before he was changed. Though the colors are muted in this, we are treated to a great mustache.

Evermore (Anniversary Event)

A remixed version of the Nevermore skin, it swaps out the dark, brooding tones for a haunting bone-white color.

Masquerade (Anniversary Event)

A skin from the comics, this shows Reaper in a delightfully bright costume, complete with another set of wonderful hat feathers.

Cursed Captain (Gifted/Shop)

If anyone was going to haunt the high seas it was going to be Reaper. Complete with a hat dripping with seaweed it’s a great new addition to the Reaper skin family.