There’s been a lot of talk recently about Epic Game’s all hands on deck approach to the development of Fortnite Battle Royale.  It’s been said that Epic has been pulling development resources away from other games to work on Fortnite.

Paragon is apparently one of those games.  The Hero MOBA title which launched into Early Access in 2016 and then Open Beta in early 2017, has seen development and growth slow in recent months.  Today the Paragon developers issued a statement, looking to start a discussion within the community and let everyone know where they’re at with the game.

In a Reddit post, the Paragon developers claim that while their efforts have been focused on growing the game, none of their efforts have been good enough to achieve mainstream success.  The developer even say that they are questioning whether they have a good path to grow Paragon into a thriving game.

The developers say that progress has been slower for a couple of reasons.  The first is that the Paragon team is split between making intermediate and long-term changes.  The second, is that their team is smaller as “a number of Paragon team members jumped onto Fortnite to help sustain the game as it has grown far larger than anything in Epic’s past.”

“Over the next few weeks, we’ll be figuring out if and how we can evolve Paragon to achieve growth and success, and trying some things internally. In the meantime, Paragon’s release cadence will be slower,” reads the post.  So it’s entirely unclear what the future holds for Paragon at this point and whether it’s even sustainable for Epic to keep developing it at all.

While it looks likely that Paragon will “Die a Slow Death” as we’ve titled this article, there’s still very much a chance for it to succeed.  The players who do play the game and stick with it have plenty of ideas for the developers to try and implement to achieve this sustainability.

  • This article was updated on January 18th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Epic’s Paragon Sounds Like It’s Going to Die a Slow Death

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