Following yesterday’s unplanned Fortnite downtime, Epic Games has pledged to take steps to compensate players who missed out on their daily Fortnite fix and will reveal details next week. A post on Epic’s Fortnite Status Twitter feed emphasized that the aim is to help players “make up for lost time.”

This could mean rewards such as Supercharged XP for all, possibly for at least a day or longer. We’re keeping our fingers crossed that there will also be some free content thrown in as a goodwill gesture too — not that Epic hasn’t been generous with its Winterfest 2021 presents already.

Players first started having problems logging in and matchmaking at around midday CT yesterday, and it soon became apparent that whatever the problem was, it couldn’t be solved without taking the servers down completely. It took several hours to fix the issue, and servers came back online just before 7 PM CT.

It was just in time for Fortnite fans in the United States for an evening on the game, but for European players, the game was out of action throughout peak gaming time. This was a blow to anyone hurrying to complete their Battle Pass. Watch this space next week to find out what Epic’s going to do to show how sorry they really are.