Epic Games’ MOBA Paragon will be closing down on April 26, the developer announced today. The company said the game had struggled to retain players.

The announcement comes in the wake of the huge success of another Epic Games title, Fortnite: Battle Royale, which just recently hit a milestone of 45 million players. As resources at the company have shifted focus onto the popular title, it appears that the need to work on Paragon has waned.

“We truly appreciate everything you’ve put into Paragon,” Epic said in a statement. “We received many passionate ideas for where to take the game; the outpouring of thoughtful suggestions is another testament to this incredible community. After careful consideration, and many difficult internal debates, we feel there isn’t a clear path for us to grow Paragon into a MOBA that retains enough players to be sustainable.”

The third-person MOBA featured a number of unique heroes and a brilliant art style, with truly impressive visuals. But in a flooded market, it appears Paragon was too late to try and grab hold in the genre, and never really caught on with a enough of players.

“We didn’t execute well enough to deliver on the promise of Paragon,” said Epic. “We have failed you—despite the team’s incredibly hard work—and we’re sorry.”

In an apologetic attempt to “make this right,” Epic Games will be offering a full refund to every Paragon player for every purchase on any platform. The refund will come directly from Epic.

Epic said to expect matchmaking times and quality to further degrade as the player population continues to decrease, up until the final day of the game’s servers on April 26, 2018.