Embracer Group, best known for the colossal list of acquisitions under their belt, has grabbed up Eidos-Montreal, Crystal Dynamics, and Square Enix Montreal from Square Enix. The acquisitions bring in IPs such as Tomb Raider, Deus Ex, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, Thief, and many more to the Embracer Group brand! The news was announced through a new press release on the company’s official site.

What These Studios Bring to the Table

This acquisition is a major pickup for Embracer Group, as many of the beloved IPs listed among other games currently have sequels in the works. Namely, the team at Crystal Dynamics recently announced a brand new game in the rebooted Tomb Raider series, which should prove quite fruitful if the previous game’s sales are anything to go off of. That’s not even mentioning the recent Guardians of the Galaxy game, which won several Game of the Year awards and garnered high critical acclaim. As for other series, we’ll need to see what comes of potential future reveals. By that, I mean please god give us a new Deus Ex entry.

Embracer Group has been on a roll as of late acquiring new studios. More recently, it acquired Beamdog (MythForce), Ghost Ship Games (Deep Rock Galactic), and Aspyr (Civilization VI ports) among many others. These three studios are just the latest in that line and bring much more value to the Embracer Group brand. Though with the acquisitions being valued at around $300 million, it will take a lot of effort for the team to recoup those costs. Still, with the massive amount of studios under their belt, they should be doing just fine for the foreseeable future.

For now, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter. Are you interested to see what Embracer Group does with the Tomb Raider and Guardians of the Galaxy developers? Do you think a new Deus Ex game can release in the next century, or is that just a pipe dream? Let me know your thoughts!