Director Baz Luhrmann’s moving biopic, Elvis, already exceeds expectations. It had the highest gross for the weekend of its premiere. Experts expect the Elvis movie to perform very well throughout its theater run. In addition to commercial success, the film has received positive reviews from critics and audiences. Part of what makes the biopic so captivating is the actors’ compelling performances. From the top-billed cast to the varied collection of side characters, all of the performers fully committed to their roles. The actors capture the essence of their respective characters very well. This creates an immersive experience for viewers. Furthermore, many of the actors went the extra mile to embody the aesthetic of their characters, giving their performances an even more realistic feel.

10. David Wenham Is A Plausible Hank Snow In The Elvis Movie

Although the details of Hank Snow’s role in Elvis’ career aren’t entirely accurate in the Elvis movie, actor David Wenham does a respectable job of portraying the country star. The real-life Hank Snow was much more involved in Elvis’ management at the beginning of his career. However, the film glosses over this fact to highlight Elvis’ relationship with Colonel Parker. Hank Snow isn’t a significant factor in the later parts of the movie, but he is a crucial character at the beginning. Actor David Wenham is probably best known for his role in Peter Jackson’s Lord Of The Rings films. He has a similar aesthetic to the real Hank Snow and captures Snow’s general personality.

9. Dacre Montgomery Successfully Emulates Steve Binder

Steve Binder is a producer who butts heads with Elvis’ manager in the Elvis movie. Together, they all but sabotage Colonel Parker’s plans for the NBC comeback special. In addition to ignoring his request that Elvis plays a Christmas song at the end of the special, they also add a new song to the setlist. The real-life Steve Binder wasn’t quite as combative in real life, but he did help Elvis bring his unique vision to life in the 1968 television special. Although Dacre Montgomery is best known for his role in Netflix’s Stranger Things, he shines in this understated role. The actor is no stranger to nostalgic fashion choices, and the 60s-inspired attire suits him well.

8. Kelvin Harrison Jr. Bears A Strong Resemblance To Young B.B. King

Like many characters from the beginning of Elvis’ story, young B.B. King doesn’t get much screen time in the Elvis movie. However, Kelvin Harrison Jr.’s portrayal of the famous blues singer is a strong casting highlight. The movie shows B.B. King and Elvis as young acquaintances bound for different destinations in the music business. King has many small moments in which he offers Elvis helpful insights. However, the best thing about the Monsters And Men actor’s performance is his striking resemblance to B. B. King. Watching him portray the late musician is genuinely like looking back into the past.

7. Richard Roxburgh Is A Credible Version Of Vernon Presley

Elvis’ father, Vernon Presley, was an integral part of his business team. He wasn’t the most experienced business manager Elvis could have had, but he did his best. This was true in the Elvis movie as well as in real life. The movie version of M. Presley comes to life courtesy of an excellent performance by actor Richard Roxburgh. The multi-talented actor previously starred in Moulin Rouge, another film directed by Elvis director Baz Luhrmann. It’s easy to see why the director wanted Roxburgh in this film as well: he seamlessly blends into the role of Elvis’ loving but wayward father.

6. Alton Mason Captures The Spirit Of Little Richard

Alton Mason has a minor part in the Elvis movie. However, he definitely does the part justice. Alton Mason’s performance of Tutti Frutti by Little Richard is an excellent homage to the late singer. He embodied a respectable amount of the performer’s early style and is believable as a newly-minted blues singer. Furthermore, the former Male Model of the Year perfectly emulates Little Richard’s signature aesthetic. Elvis is the first movie appearance for Alton Mason, but if his performance in this small part is any indication, he has a long-acting career ahead of him.

5. Helen Thomson Is Convincing As Gladys Presley In The Elvis Movie

Elvis and his mother, Gladys Presley, were very close in real life when the singer was getting his music career off the ground. Similarly, the pair are inseparable in the Elvis movie. Helen Thomson’s performance as the rock and roll matriarch is compelling, right down to the way she looks. Thomson’s character is a powerful force in young Elvis’ motivations, and her death is a pivotal turning point for the fictional King of Rock and Roll. Despite her absence from the rest of the film, Helen Thompson’s memorable performance leaves a lasting impression on viewers.

4. Olivia DeJonge Brings Young Priscilla Presley To Life

Priscilla Presley was Elvis’ only wife, and their somewhat tumultuous relationship has always been a significant point of interest in the King’s life story. The Elvis movie gives viewers a glimpse at the beginning of their union when Elvis meets a young Priscilla while stationed overseas. Olivia DeJonge portrays Priscilla at several different ages throughout the movie. Her performance as a young teen is equally fun to watch as her portrayal of Mrs. Preseley as a twentysomething. Furthermore, Olivia DeJonge is another actor whose physical transformation perfectly captured the aesthetic of her movie character.

3. Nicholas Bell Is A Believable Senator James Eastland

Senator James Eastland was very opposed to Elvis’s on-stage antics in the Elvis movie. In real life, the Southern senator was a controversial politician who was openly against desegregation. Furthermore, the real-life senator took issue with Elvis similarly to his movie counterpart. English actor Nicholas Bell successfully embodies the staunchly conservative senator in the movie. His performance perfectly demonstrates the beliefs of the real-life politician. The actor has starred in a wide range of film, stage, and television roles, including Zordon from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie in 1995.

2. Tom Hanks Portrays A Mostly Realistic Colonel Parker

Tom Hanks’ performance as Colonel Parker is like nothing fans have ever seen from the actor. The actor fully committed to his role in the Elvis movie, even donning prosthetics to look more like the real-life manager. In the film, Parker is a carnival man who becomes a manager, and Hanks incorporates elements of both professions into his character’s personality. Furthermore, he serves as the narrator of the film and adopts an accent representative of Parker’s homeland in the Netherlands. Tom Hanks doesn’t often play villainous characters, but he successfully inspires audiences to despise the opportunistic Colonel Parker.

1. Austin Butler Is Brilliant As Elvis Presley In The Biopic

Austin Butler went through a grueling five-month audition to score the Elvis movie lead role. The actor’s performance was so convincing that even Elvis’ real-life ex-wife, Priscilla, and his daughter, Lisa Marie, were impressed. Austin Butler wasn’t who experts favored winning the role, but his dedication and talent prevailed. This movie is the first significant leading role for Butler, who is just thirty years old. With some industry members already making Oscar nomination predictions for the film, it looks as though Butler’s hard work may be handsomely rewarded during award season.