Following Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter for approximately $44 billion ($54.20 per share), a lot has happened between the micro-blogging giant and the billionaire over the past few weeks. Recently, Musk said that the Twitter deal is currently temporarily on hold due to the number of spam and fake accounts on the social platform. Now, amidst the falling stock prices of the social platform, Musk might try to strike a deal with Twitter at a lower price than his original proposal. Check out the details right below.

During a recent tech conference in Miami, Elon Musk said that striking a deal for Twitter at a lower price was “not out of the question,” as per a recent report by The New York Times. The response from Musk was to a question from an attendee about whether he would renegotiate his planned $44 billion acquisition of Twitter over the number of bot or spam accounts on the social platform.