Elisha Cuthbert rejects sex symbol status as shallow. When you are an up-and-coming actress in Hollywood, you are set up to be objectified. This was on full display in the early 2000s when men’s magazines and Spike TV felt like frat culture boiling over. The end result of that was a slew of young actresses like Cuthbert essentially being misrepresented due to being attractive. When you are talented and trained, the last thing you want is to be noticed for your looks and not your skill. But she has had the courage to step up and talk about this as she has grown.

Looking back, she feels some shame for that. Furthermore, she delves into how it followed her for the rest of her career. She truly wishes she could ‘Eternal Sunshine‘ that memory out of her head. But her speaking up will definitely help future actresses who may face it as well.

Elisa Cuthbert Wholly Rejects Sex Symbol Standard

Via Yahoo:

A post shared by Elisha Cuthbert (@elishaphaneuf)

“Elisha Cuthbert’s role as an ex-porn star in 2004’s The Girl Next Door solidified her reputation as a sex symbol. Now, nearly two decades later, the actress says society still pressures her to live up to that title. “There was this pressure of, like, maybe the fashion world or whatever saw me as a certain thing when really it was a character,” she told Paris Hilton on Monday’s episode of her podcast, This is Paris, of the attention that came after the movie was released. Even today, she says it’s rare for people to not bring up the fact that she was once named the “most beautiful woman in television” by men’s publications like Maxim and FHM in the mid-2000s. “It ends up getting in the bio somehow, and you’re just like, what does that even mean? It’s not really a reflection of me as an artist.”

Elisha Cuthbert rejects sex symbol status as shallow, and we support that. This writer just brought up Maxim and FHM magazines in another piece this month. We talked about how the whole purpose of the mag was to objectify young female actresses. She will most likely be the first of many who step forward to address the way their careers were mishandled because of their gender and looks.

Thankfully, the world of 2022 is a great deal more socially conscious than those that came before.