Todd Howard recently started to detail the game manager that is working behind the scenes in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The in-game functionality which tracks each behavior and actions within the world of Skyrim is said to perform some interesting tasks to make your Elder Scrolls story unique.

Howard told Edge Magazine in a recent interview:

“We track how ever person and faction feels about you, and their own limit for how many illegal things they will do. You can get followers and command them, and they may like you enough that no matter who’s attacking you they will join in, even if it’s the guards.”

Taking it even further, the game’s story manager is also watching every move you make in the game. It will calculate the good, the bad, and the ugly to craft an even more realistic and unique experience. Howard continued in the interview, “The story manager is looking at everything you do and then making things happen. So if you set a chicken on fire, or you drop an item, or pickpocket somebody or if you kill a dragon in town and absorb its soul, how people react all goes through the story manager.”

While we already knew that the game would have a dynamic path full of choices, these game manager features working behind the scenes sound incredible.

  • This article was updated on February 21st, 2018

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